Proposed by Dominique Perrault, and supported by the Domaine national de Chambord, this exhibition celebrate this anniversary year we sought the inventiveness of future architects by organizing. A call for projects to reinvest Chambord under the auspices of utopia
Launched in 2018 by Dominique Perrault and the Domaine national de Cham-bord, the «Unfinished Chambord» call for proposals resulted in the selection of 18 universities around the world in March 2018. Taking the architecture of the castle as its support, a series of projects proposing to revive the architec-tural utopia of Chambord will be developed by the selected teams, each one from very diverse cultural and geographical positions. Diverse visions for a «completed» or «reinvented» Chambord, aim to start a reflection on reality by its fictional representation.
All proposals will be exhibited in the château de Chambord from May 26, 2019.
©Universidad Anáhuac Mexico
©La Sapienza Roma
©SCI-ARC.Southern California Institute of Architecture