Dominique Perrault Architecture


20 | 02 | 2019


Commemorative exhibition for the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the construction of Chambord Castle

Proposed by Dominique Perrault, and supported by the Domaine national de Chambord, this exhibition celebrate this anniversary year we sought the inventiveness of future architects by organizing. A call for projects to reinvest Chambord under the auspices of utopia

Launched in 2018 by Dominique Perrault and the Domaine national de Cham-bord, the «Unfinished Chambord» call for proposals resulted in the selection of 18 universities around the world in March 2018. Taking the architecture of the castle as its support, a series of projects proposing to revive the architec-tural utopia of Chambord will be developed by the selected teams, each one from very diverse cultural and geographical positions. Diverse visions for a «completed» or «reinvented» Chambord, aim to start a reflection on reality by its fictional representation. 

All proposals will be exhibited in the château de Chambord from May 26, 2019. 

©Universidad Anáhuac Mexico
©La Sapienza Roma
©SCI-ARC.Southern California Institute of Architecture